
sumlock anita 841

scientific version of the anita 810 made by sumlock comptometers ltd uxbridge england, manufactured by rockwell in 1974.

this machine operates like a normal scientific calculator, gone is the weird desk calculator input style of the 810 and of regular desktops like the anita 811sl and gone is the strange fix 2 rounding mode. instead the switch now defined as a radian/degree mode selector.

a pleasure to use and hold this machine has a cool 70's retro style, sprung buttons and a brushed aluminium metal slide open back revealing the battery compartment which takes 3 'AA batteries.

a good set of scientific functions are on offer, natural and common logs, trigs and their inverses, square root, reciprocal, pi and x^y. a rather interesting set of memory and x<>y swap and move functions are also present which combine in powerful ways to accelerate functionality. these tricks are explained in the manual.

shown here is the rather nice tab fold faux leather case which protects the unit when not in use.
this unit was boxed as new. here is the box and polystyrene packaging and original instruction manual.
boxed here as it would have been when on sale.