a chunky but quite impressively styled machine, the boss operates as a
desk calculator (eg 2+3+1- means 2+3-1=). the memory, when
switched in, accumulates the = totals for later recall. this is
normal for desk calculators and facilitates calculations like
(47.2+29.8)*(19.2-12.6) by 47.2+29.8+=19.2+12.6-*mr= other tricks
are pressing divide and multiply repeatedly for powers. eg 1+1/2+1/2^2 as 2
/ = = = mr
rounding is switch selectable from floating 8 digits to either 4 or 2
places, whence 5/4 rounding applies. instead of power switch, there are
two red buttons with on and off separate.
the unit is powered by 4 `c' cells (to last longer, according to the
manual) or the optional mains 6v adapter (model 616). it comes with a
rather nice black vinyl pouch with a strap making it resemble mr spocks